Wednesday, February 08, 2006 ++
the sec 3s.
they did me proud.
all did so well for the flag etiquette.
esp my dear meiyu!
so happy to see her clearing the test.
well at least the eugenia LAU was quite impressed.
they're my creation ok.
they're better than our batch.
when we have to keep redo-ing.
everybody redo dont know how many times.
i rmb that i always cant stop right infront of the flag pole.
and my flag got tangled on top.
so irritating.
its so funny thinking abt it.
but its not mainly our fault.
we didn't even practise before going for the test.
for the person who used to be incharge of us:
maybe its because u dun have enough time?
but pls lah. since u alr know how limited the time is.
blah blah.
the only problem with sec 3s are that they are so lack of self-confidence.
i tried testing them. haiyo.
so disappointing
they all passed! but most of them thinks that they'll fail.
seriously lah sec3s.
u girls always look so confident infront of me.
in the sense that u all told me to have EARLY STEP DOWN
when u girls were so enthusiastic in doing EVERYTHING.
u already look so confident in taking over guides.
BUT. it all becomes so different when i ask it straight into ur faces.
sometimes i wonder.
are u all trying to be humble?
i mean u should know where u stand at this momenta alr.
i want to know the truth.
and u all should be truthful abt anything thats has got to do with guides,
im scared for them.
probably nobody will fail.
ya. nobody will.
the future of bowen guides?
it all depends on u girls...... 9:38 PM
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